Here are a few suggestions you might consider to experience greater peace:
• Breathe deeply whenever possible. Focus on your breathing when waiting for a red light, an appointment, or while in a check-out line at a store
• Eliminate clutter. Spend a few minutes during the day picking up, sorting, throwing away stuff or putting it in a goodwill sack.
• Spend less. Pack a sack lunch. Enjoy all the free activities in your community: libraries, parks, concerts and programs. Join blogs that post great deals on food and entertainment in your area.
• Discover the magic of thrift stores, where great books, clothes, and household stuff can be purchased for very little. My teenage granddaughters have discovered Plato’s Closet, a second-hand store that has an assortment of wonderful clothes. They earn their clothing money and buy many of their clothing there. (Their wise parents, a doctor and a nurse, have been teaching them the joy of simplicity since they were little.)
• Enjoy the beauties of nature. Train yourself to listen to birds singing, to see the varied shapes of clouds and the sun, stars, and moonlight. Smell the fragrant roses and pine trees after a rain storm. Feel the breeze as it rustles the leaves on aspens and maple trees.
You can’t buy happiness. It results from peaceful thinking and gentle living. Jesus took time to retreat into nature, meditate, enjoy children, and relax during boat rides (even when storms were raging). His simple life of service and devotion to His Father teaches us that life can be beautiful when we love God with all of our hearts and when we love others as we love ourselves.
© Carol Brown
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