Saturday, November 16, 2013

Autumn Is about Letting Go

Autumn is about letting go. 
Let go of your worries, fears, grievances.
Allow God to fill your heart with peace, joy, and contentment. 
Just as leaves fall to the ground
and flowers die on cold, crisp autumn eves, 
Allow this season to remind you that everything changes.
Nothing stays the same.
Choose to free yourself from the baggage of 
resentment, shame, and criticism.
Learn to accept yourself and others,
knowing that we are all children of God
and that He loves us with a perfect love.
Notice the beauty of this season,
A time of harvest, abundance, and reaping.
Trust that God will give you the power to forgive yourself and others,
release you from mistakes of the past,
and free you from fears for the future.
Remember that with Him, all things are possible.
Allow His love to heal your broken heart,
to give you beauty for ashes
and make you whole.

--Carol Rich Brown

&copy Carol Brown

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