trying to implement to make these precious days before Christmas more peaceful:
• Delegate. If you are having others over for dinner or a party, perhaps you can ask for their help with food or activities in advance.
• Simplify. Can you make a phone call instead of mailing a card, donate to a charity instead of buying unneeded gifts, or skip an invitation or two when you are already exhausted? Can you buy less for yourself and others and find other ways of showing love? Can you share your excess material possessions with those in need?
• Accept imperfection in yourself and others. Your house does not have to be decorated to HGTV perfection, nor do you have to look like you just stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine for the holidays to be wonderful. Celebrate your own humanity, remembering that the One whose birthday we honor is the only perfect being who has ever lived.
• Focus on the Savior’s life. He lived simply. He loved purely. His gifts to us are priceless.
Merry Christmas to you and to those you love. May you find peace and joy during this blessed time of year.
© Carol Brown
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