One of my angels on earth is Patti, a friend who gives great advice, listens with compassion, comforts me when times are tough, and loves me unconditionally. The woman is a saint, and I don’t’ know how I’ve been so blessed to be her best friend. Since I’m an only child, I consider her not only my best friend but my sister. She was at my side during my mother’s funeral, helped me during our move when I tore a ligament in my leg, and seems to understand everything I feel and think .She never ends a phone call without saying, “I love you.”
I felt the room fill with angels when my mother died. I know my dad was there—and my mother's mom—but I don’t know who the other spirits were. I just know there were a lot of friends and family waiting to welcome here when she left mortal life. Since she had six brothers and sisters who had passed on, I’m sure there were excited to seeing their loving and kind sister.
My mom had the blessing of seeing her deceased mom a couple of times. Both times she was very ill and in trying circumstances. Her mother comforted her, gave her some sage advice, and then disappeared.
Recently, I visited an elderly woman, Lucy, who is alert and wise. Lucy told me that ten years ago her husband collapsed after suffering a heart attack. Lucy called the paramedics, who tried futilely to revive her husband for half an hour. Then they placed his body in an ambulance and forgot to secure the door. His body fell out of the vehicle on the way to the hospital, and Lucy was devastated. Not only had her beloved husband died, but his body had been desecrated. A lawyer contacted Lucy after reading a new article about the tragedy, and Lucy decided to sue.
Lucy told me she was afraid to be alone after her husband died and turned on every light in the house before she went to bed. She also was depressed and anxious, worrying about the upcoming lawsuit. One night her husband came into her bedroom and sat beside her on the foot of the bed while she was trying to relax enough so that she could sleep. He said nothing, but looked at her lovingly.
Lucy felt instantly at peace, and she knew that she should drop the lawsuit. She followed her husband as he walked out of her bedroom, down the hall, through her kitchen and then faded through the wall. She said she slept peacefully without leaving any lights since that night.
I believe God sends angels to comfort, protect, and bless us. When our car was rear-ended on the freeway, and we swerved in heavy traffic--our car rotating 360 degrees, crossing several lanes of traffic, and screeching to a stop without hitting another vehicle to being hit again--I suspect angels may have been protecting us. When a friend or family members says or does something that is SO comforting, I believe they are angels on earth.
Sometimes the smaller acts of kindness can make such a difference in another’s life. Just knowing that someone cares about us and understands us is a priceless gift that our earth-angels give us and something that we can give others. What priceless blessings!
Who are the angels in your life? What experiences have shown you that God sometimes uses angels to watch over, protect, and comfort you?
© Carol Brown
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