Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dejunking Your Life

I love to watch shows where organizers help families dejunk their homes. It's fun to see professionals help their clients decide which of their possessions they should keep, donate, or discard. How healing it would be if we extended this process to our daily lives.

Which of our activities need to be kept? Which of our actions and thoughts empower us and help us to enjoy everyday life? What activities bring you joy and help you fulfill your life's purpose?

Which of our activities need to be donated? Could we give up some activities and replace them with those that truly enhances our lives? Is there something we can do to better nurture ourselves and those we love? Do we need to give myself permission to relax and have more fun?

What activities can we discard? Is there some clutter in our mind or life that is keeping us from enjoying our lives? Are there some activities that we need to say "no"to? Can we turn off the cell phone, computer, or cd player for a while so we can better hear the still small voice of the Spirit? Are some negative thoughts keeping us from enjoying everyday living? If so, which ones can we discard today?

Confucius said, "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." As we simplify our lives, we have more time and energy to spend with people with love doing things we enjoy. Time spent communing with God, meditating or journaling, or enjoying the beauties of nature is invaluable but costs nothing. As we remove the clutter from our lives, we find that we feel happier and more peaceful.

© Carol Brown

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