Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Laughter Is Really Good Medicine

Most of us could probably laugh a little more. Childlike laughter (not the mean, raucous kind) is good for us medically, psychologically, and spiritually. Scientists have shown it can help to cure disease, depression, and discouragement.

I plead guilty. I don't laugh nearly enough, but I am laughing more. I find children are natural comedians. Spend time with children and either their antics or their innocent comments will lighten your heart. Last week I asked my grandson what his favorite summer memory was, and he said, "Spending time with you, Grandma." Now, He's done a lot of really fun things this summer, and I expected him to say that his fun camping trip with his family was his favorite memory. Duncan and I have enjoyed simple things like feeding ducks, playing board games, looking at clouds, watching game shows, sharing secrets, and even weeding. We've laughed a lot together and perhaps that's why we've had SO much fun.

I love watching our new granddaughter, Chloe. She's a hoot! She squeals with delight when we play peek-a-boo with her, when we nuzzle her neck, or kiss her cheeks. Oh, how she enjoys life and makes us laugh.

My friend Diane always makes me laugh. Now, her husband, Ford, is fighting cancer big-time, but we never spend time together where we don't end up laughing about something like crazy hospital mix-ups or awful chemo reactions. We can choose to laugh or cry about things, and although we do some of both, we usually end up laughing in the end. (I posted about them earlier; it's the April 24th post.)

Liv, in her awesome blog A Year of Beauty just wrote:

When was the last time
you looked in a mirror
and nearly burst with excitement
at the sight of your own reflection?
Probably when you were little.

I love watching my kids
stare into a mirror,
always fascinated and delighted
to see themselves smiling back.
Their eyes sparkle,
their bodies bounce with joy,
their beautiful spirits shine through.

But when grown-ups look in the mirror
we immediately notice what's wrong,
conditioned to focus on what's flawed
versus what's fabulous.
Wouldn't you love
to sparkle and shine again?
Challenge yourself to fall back in love
with your reflection.

Start simple:
smile at yourself
before walking away from any mirror.
Give yourself a big toothy grin!

Then, work your way up to
sustaining that pose,
thinking only good thoughts about
that beaming, happy face of yours,
for a full five seconds.
Sounds short,
but it feels like an eternity
if you're used to only finding flaws.

When you've got five seconds mastered,
look yourself in the eyes
and recite a short and sweet affirmation
like these:

I am beautiful and the whole world sees it!

I feel good about who I am and how I look!

I am happy, healthy and love being me!

Yep, I know it sounds totally cheesy.
But what do you have to lose?
If you take this challenge seriously,
I am willing to bet
you'll start to notice a difference
in how you see yourself,
how you treat yourself,
and how others treat you.

Loving what you see in the mirror
isn't childish or conceited;
it's required if you want to become
the best and brightest you possible.
You look maaah-velous.
Believe it!

Thanks, Liv. (I'd send you a link to her post, but I can't figure out how to do it. Sorry! I'm still a novice blogger.)

Today, find ways to lighten up and laugh a little. Yesterday, because I'm on the terrorist list (yeah, that's right, I'm one scary dude), I was held up in security for 45 minutes at the airport and almost missed my flight. It didn't seem too funny at the time, but right now I think it's hilarious. I must look like one dangerous grandma!

© Carol Brown


  1. So sweet of you to re-post this, Carol. If people want to see the original post, they can just click on my name here and it will lead them to my profile & One Year of Beauty blog. Thanks, as always, for your kind comments and for the light you put into the world!

  2. What a very uplifting blog you have. I can tell I'm going to like it here. Thank you for the comment on my blog!


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