Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World

Through his peaceful and courageous works, Mahatma Gandhi brought freedom and self-governance to the people of India. Because of his powerful example, he inspired his country's leaders to give greater human rights for women, to the untouchables, and to people of diverse religious beliefs. One person can make such a big difference in the world.

Most of us would be surprised at the positive impact we can have--and are having-- in the lives of others. Mothers, fathers, and those who care for children can influence generations. Teachers can transform the lives of children and youth. Community volunteers can reduce crime, make communities safer for children and families, and enhance the quality of life.

So many simple acts have made such a big difference in my life. After my eighth-grade English teacher mentioned that I was an exceptional writer, I decided to pursue a writing and teacher career. When I was beside myself with grief because my daughter had been terribly abused, a friend stopped by and hugged me. Her simple comment of "I love you, and "I'm here for you" made an unbearable burden bearable. When I was caring for my dying mother, friends brought over simple meals which seemed like manna from heaven.

You don't have to be a Gandhi or a Mother Teresa to change in the world. One comment you make can impact a life for the good. One small act of kindness can heal a broken heart. One prayer can comfort a wounded soul.

Miracles begin with loving kindness. So be the change you wish to see in the world and notice the small and great blessings that appear. As we live with peace and compassion, we become a powerful force for good.

© Carol Brown

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